Training for Businesses and Entrepreneurs
The Northeast Economic Development Organization pursues a range of economic development activities that include community-based, hands-on training for small businesses in the NEEDO region. Current trainings focus on the hospitality sector, which includes restaurants, lodging establishments, and the many retail endeavors that cater to visitors and tourists. Future offerings may include business trainings in partnership with the San Miguel County Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) and New Mexico State Cooperative Extensions' CREATE BRIDGES program. For details about the hospitality training schedule and contact information, click here.
WESST is known for its straightforward quality trainings for small business owners, including those just starting out. "WESST offers a variety of single and multi-session training and workshops that provide a "deep-dive" approach to learning about key business concepts. Our staff of experts develops a majority of the business curriculum we offer and it's tailored to the needs of today's busy entrepreneur. We provide short-cuts and tools that enable entrepreneurs to build their capacity to start and grow a successful business." Areas of training include planning, marketing, and financial management. Many trainings are online and are generally less than two hours long. Fees are usually limited to $10 per class. They offer a wide range of trainings that cover topics such as financial literacy, social media, and website development or improvement.
SCORE's mission is to "foster vibrant small business communities through mentoring and education." Drawing on volunteer mentoring team of over 10,000 practicing and retired business professionals, SCORE delivers one-on-one mentoring to small businesses and entrepreneurs on a diverse range of issues. Mentors help business owners focus on their own unique constellation of goals and challenges in an organized and manageable fashion. Their resources include national repository of over 1000 articles plus including an "extensive library of recorded webinars, online educational courses, and resources.
The New Mexico oSmall BusIness Administration (SBA) offers extensive, well developed resources for small businesses and provides local support through regional offices. In addition, SBA's provide access to an online learning platform that allow you to access a varies array of courses. Courses are broken down into topics, which are further divided into small, mini-course segments, almost all of which are under one minute in length. The simple, direct, short lessons make is possible to zero in on the particular knowledge points needed and the short time lengths make it possible to fit trainings into even the busiest schedules. On the down side, the video trainings rely of verbal descriptions and often lack concrete examples or deeper explanations. Written resource materials provide more detailed explanations and samples.
The University of Arkansas Research and Extension produced a webinar series of instructional videos as support resources for the CREATE BRIDGES project. These provide guidance and actionable instruction to help businesses move forward in a continuously changing commerce landscape. Although targeted for the COVID-19 pandemic window and an Arkansas audience, the webinars cover many critically important topics in easy to understand presentations. The "Online Customer Engagement and Commerce" series covers online and social media engagement and "Resilience in Retail" target digital marketing and commuinication. To access the recordings, scroll down to these support resources and expand the links for these two webinar series.